Vera was 4 years 6 months old.
The neighborhood girls playing ring around the Caden at our Labor Day block party.
(via @kingkool68 )
622 items
19th pageThe neighborhood girls playing ring around the Caden at our Labor Day block party.
(via @kingkool68 )
Family walk around Centennial Lake, playground fun, and then Rita’s!
(via @naudebynature )
Family walk around Centennial Lake, playground fun, and then Rita’s!
(via @naudebynature )
Family walk around Centennial Lake, playground fun, and then Rita’s!
(via @naudebynature )
Family walk around Centennial Lake, playground fun, and then Rita’s!
(via @naudebynature )
Family walk around Centennial Lake, playground fun, and then Rita’s!
(via @naudebynature )
Family walk around Centennial Lake, playground fun, and then Rita’s!
(via @naudebynature )
Family walk around Centennial Lake, playground fun, and then Rita’s!
(via @naudebynature )
Family walk around Centennial Lake, playground fun, and then Rita’s!
(via @naudebynature )